Complete this form only if ALL of these statements are true: 1. You are NOT named in the accompanying form called Writ of Possession.Trespass with a criminal intention is treated as a criminal offence and is punishable under Section 441 of the Indian Penal Code. The law against trespassing in California is Section 602 of the Penal Code. Criminal trespass occurs when a person unlawfully without any right or an express or implied license enters into the private property of another person. An occupant may file a claim of right to possession at any time up to and including the time at which the levying officer returns to effect the eviction. 300 Lakeside Drive, P. O. Box 12688, Oakland, CA 94604-2688. The Project is located in the southern region of the San Francisco Bay Area in the City. The. (b) Delivers possession of the property to the creditor. 2002 and reopened in 2005 to complete San José East.