After the tenant loses the eviction suit, the landlord can get a writ of possession that requires the tenant to leave the rental. Once the personal property is considered abandoned under the law, it must be reported to the Texas Comptroller.This research guide includes information and resources on abandoned personal property. See. Adverse Possession guide for issues related to lost or. You'll want to check the lease agreement, attempt to contact the tenant and inspect the property for signs of abandonment. The first thing that you want to do is to send your tenant an official notice. According to the statute authorizing this action, the property the landlord can take must be found inside the residence or storage room. (e) A landlord may remove and store any property of a tenant that remains on premises that are abandoned. They often move into vacant, abandoned, or neglected properties. If 30 days passes, then the possessions are considered abandoned—dispose of them at will.