(24) "Lawful possession" means the possession of a controlled substance that has been obtained in accordance with state or federal law. (39) "Possession" means actual care, custody, control, or management.The legal definition of possession is the "actual care, custody, control, or management" of a controlled substance. "Possession" under Texas means, "actual care, custody, control or management. What is a "judgment for possession"? A "judgment for possession" means your landlord won a case against the you and can file a writ of restitution. Adverse possession in Texas refers to circumstances under which one may lawfully lay claim to ownership of property not originally one's own. Possession of a controlled substance in Texas refers to the unlawful custody, care, or control over drugs categorized into various penalty groups. Texas Property Code 24.0062(i) allows you to sue both your landlord and the warehouseman. Possession of a controlled substance in Texas refers to the unlawful custody, care, or control over drugs categorized into various penalty groups.