Wrongful interference with a business relationship requires__________ , that the third party is________ , with a purpose of___________ . Interference with business relations is one type of tortious interference.The other type of tortious interference is interference with contracts. Wrongful interference with a business relationship requires knowledge, intentional action, and wrongful conduct. Wrongful interference with a contractual relationship requires that _____, a third party who ____, and that third party who _____. Wrongful Conduct: The interference must involve improper conduct, such as fraud, defamation, coercion, or unfair tactics. Finally, an important intentional tort to keep in mind is tortious interference. Damages Resulting from the Wrongful Interference; AND 5. A type of unfair business practice that occurs when someone intentionally interferes with an established business relationship using unlawful or wrongful means. Businesses have the freedom and right to enter into contacts with others and be free from improper interference.