Short Project Agreement. How to fill out the Actor Agreement for Film and Media Projects?1. Read the entire agreement to grasp its contents. 2. Sample SAG-AFTRA signatory contracts, plus additional production resources for independent filmmakers, casting directors, and actors. Quickly create your own easy-to-understand actor contract with this customizable template no matter what type of production or project you're doing. The growth, said Jenna Mozzocio, the special education director, started gradually but "there's been an uptick in the last couple of years.". William Horatio Powell (July 29, 1892 – March 5, 1984) was an American actor, known primarily for his film career. The producer invites the actor to play the role of (name of character or role) in the production of (title), a (say what type of project it is, i.e. Home - Pine-Richland School District serves students in grades K-12 in Pine and Richland Townships in northern Allegheny County. This is done in Pre-Production on a narrative film, to be signed alongside a contract.