Once the company is set up, you must enter an official loanout agreement. The agreement is between a producer and a loanout corporation to employ an actor, named Employee, for a feature film titled Picture.A Film Actor Contract is a written agreement between a Film Production Company or Independent Film Producer and an Actor to perform in a film. The agreement should cover how the producer will be credited in the film. Learn which states impose a tax on loanouts and what steps you need to take to be compliant with state laws related to loanout workers. California Film and TV Production Agreement Attorney. This includes Work For Hire Agreements in California where AB2257 designates most musicians as contractors. In a presale agreement, a buyer licenses or prebuys movie distribution rights for a territory before the film has been produced. Film and video production agreement contract telefilm. CAMAs are agreements between parties with a financial stake in a project who are entitled to receive a portion of a film's gross receipts.