Official Forms for Viewing and Downloading. The following is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document.This form is intended for use with the. This Addendum is intended for use in the unincorporated portions of Contra Costa County. Forms ; ADOPT-230, Adoption Expenses ; ADOPT-310, Contact After Adoption Agreement ; ADOPT-315, Request to: Enforce, Change, End Contact After Adoption Agreement. The Recorder will not record a document evidencing a change of ownership without the simultaneous filing of a Preliminary Change of Ownership Report. There's also a weekly farmers' market and a charming downtown area filled with local boutiques and eateries, adding to the town's ambiance. Concord. If you're interested in being a shadowship host, fill out this form. For more information, reach out to program coordinators Eyana Rodgers at eyana. This Advisory is not meant to be a complete source of information on all matters which can become issues in real property purchase and sale contracts.