This client Retainer Agreement is for ongoing service agreements between a client and consultant or contractor. You will usually pay a up front retainer fee for their services.This free retainer agreement template sets out the duties of all parties. Know what will be provided, how the service will be provided, and at what cost. This video has helped you understand how to create a proper contract. This agreement for legal representation is between, AGENCY NAME, and CLIENT(S) NAME(S). These folks may employ a lower-level clerk who mistakenly sent you a proposed retainer a few weeks after he was assigned to do so. IDOT form D1 PD0031 shall be filled out for each location. You should have a contract agreement with your lawyer, and all of that should be fully set forth in the contract. Designer agrees to provide to Client the design services and deliv- erables set forth in the attached Statement of Work ("SOW") (the "Services").