Short Project Agreement. When discussing a location agreement, include cleaning and sanitation services that will be provided once production activity has completed.Are you looking to get the full terms of a production in writing? For most projects, this comes in the form of a production services agreement. A production services agreement is a contract used in the film and video industry to outline the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved. I'm going to take you through my production contract the one that I use successfully in my business and I'm going to walk you through it. TIPS Construction Checklist for Texas Public Government entities when utilizing Cooperative Construction Joc Order Contracting (JOC) online here. The CPO has authority over state agency procurement Authorized to provide leadership on procurement issues, the CPO may ana. Steps to Completing a Memorandum of Agreement. Below are 5 Steps to follow when completing an MOA: Step 1: Decide and define the parties.