A Virginia motor vehicle bill of sale is used to transfer ownership of a motor vehicle in the State of Virginia. Use our Virginia bill of sale form to legally buy or sell personal property like vehicles, guns, and furniture in the state of Virginia.To fill out this form, gather the necessary information about the vehicle and parties involved. The form contains several key fields that need to be filled out to create a valid car sale contract. fields. 1. Get a Virginia motor vehicle bill of sale form to capture the necessary transaction information and transfer vehicle ownership. The documents include the sales price and a description of the property being sold, and they are most commonly used to record the sale of a motor vehicle. DECLARATION: I declare that the statements and figures herein given are true, full and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. You can use this contract template for proof of ownership when re-registering a vehicle. It's important to know how to fill out this document. FCPS Weather Status: Activities Canceled Friday Evening Through 9am on Saturday.