Hi I'm producing a short film and have commissioned for a composer to create a score for this. Instructions: Please sign your initials on page one (1) and three (3) and fill out and sign the Composer information on page two (2).The Film Production Tax Credit program is designed to strengthen the film production industry in New York State and its positive impact on the State's economy. Complete at least one security contract and then Frankling gives you a call to come to the golf course where the special VIP contract becomes available. I have a few questions about how royalties are handled when working on short film. The second agreement is much more composer-friendly. It is not a work for hire agreement. To apply Early Decision, you must complete an Early Decision Agreement on either the Common Application or the Coalition Application on Scoir. We understand that this is a lot to remember and track! To receive this discount from Comcast of New Jersey, customers must present proof of eligibility and fill out an application.