The Film Production Tax Credit program is designed to strengthen the film production industry in New York State and its positive impact on the State's economy. Relationship of the parties: Your agreement should reiterate the fact that you are not an employee of your client and you are not forming a joint venture or.A location agreement serves as an important contract between a production company and the owner of any property that is set to be used for filming. A concession agreement is a contract between a company and a government, or other property owner, to operate a business in a particular location. The training will provide step-by-step instructions for setting up your account, completing the City of Atlanta OLA, as well as submitting the OLA. Staying the course and not giving up while maintaining a positive attitude in completing tasks. Many discipline problems can be minimized through prevention. Thank you for your interest in obtaining a film location agreement and permit with Fulton County Government for your production. A resume' may be attached only as additional information and will not be accepted in lieu of completing each part of the application. Fulton Financial Cues Contract to have Black colored Knight's Collection out-of Maintenance and you may Standard Selection, Such as the MSP Servicing System.