As a result, may times negotiations will include in the director's contract the specific number of days the director will have to shoot the film. This video has helped you understand how to create a proper contract.Use our sample Film Investor Financing Agreement contract outline to ensure an interested film investor will finance your movie. This document outlines the terms and conditions for a filmmaker to apply for a SAG-AFTRA Short Film Agreement. With the end of 2024 upon us, the staff at NonDoc put together a list of things that surprised us this year. The BLM is the largest administrator of public lands in the West. The film stars Elizabeth Taylor in the eponymous role, along with Richard Burton, Rex Harrison, Roddy McDowall and Martin Landau. Studio Announces New Films, and Original Series Coming to the Platform for January, Releases BRAVE THE DARK in Theaters on January 24. He specializes in the salary cap, the collective bargaining agreement and statistical analysis, with an occasional film breakdown sprinkled in. The time stamp clock in the City Secretary's Office is the time of record.