Client will fill out the 18-page contract with minimal help and questions. 1. Make sure you contract with the right party.In this article, we cover contract manufacturing so that you can make the right choice on contract manufacturer China for yourself. China 2 West offers Contract Manufacturing services in order to reliably move your manufacturing to China or within China for cost and quality improvements. Here is an example-email of how I place an order to the supplier (bear in mind to fill in the details of your own product here). We've never seen a template that works for China manufacturing, nor do we believe it's possible to create one that does. Custom Contracts are Required. Our law firm has always avoided using template manufacturing contracts for Chinaor anywhere else. So while I am waiting for my newest item to be in stock I thought I'd lay out a very important part of the order process to a Chinese factory to you. When considering the question, what is contract manufacturing?