The Developer has, or will have upon purchase of the Property, the power, authority and legal right to enter into and perform its obligations set forth in this. Developer shall obtain Building Permits within 90 days, shall begin construction within 12 months, and shall complete the construction of all three homes within.A mineral lease agreement is a legal contract that grants an individual or company the right to extract minerals from a specific location for a set period. Each form is designed using a MS Word "Fill in the Blank" format. Development Fees, View. Access Agreement for Construction and Maintenance, View. Further information on the MSP's principles can be found in the MSP partners' public statement, "Principles for Responsible Critical Mineral Supply Chains.". Value of and payment for all materials used in the production of the good, and the production of the good in its exported form. Most data required to fill out the form is available. "Initial" forms require significant analysis to ensure correct data is provided.