The dubbing or subtitling process of the Japanese version shall be made in Japan while that of the Italian version shall be made in the Italian Republic. Applications from overseas filmmakers will not be accepted. Approval. 1.I'm Japanese and I enjoyed the film a lot! It's like a combination of fun kaiju characterizations from 60's series and eccentric plots from 90's. The plot revolved around an American Intelligence agent (Peyton) sent to Japan to track down a suspected communist who was previously his college-mate (Haida). Japan has concluded a film coproduction agreement with two countries so far, with Italy being the second after China. Experience the thrill of a high-stakes heist or white-collar conspiracy — without breaking any rules. These films are your quick escape into a life of crime. Its director wants 'The Emperor in August' to make young Japanese aware of wartime events and the emperor's role in the surrender. Disney On Ice is such a fun experience for the whole family!!