Quickly create your own easy-to-understand actor contract with this customizable template no matter what type of production or project you're doing. 1) Send Actor's Agent script 2) Actor approves of project.3) Producer sends contract to Agent. Remember: Fill out your contract or voucher with care, making sure all information is legible and appears on all copies. As of August 1st, SAG now has the Short Project Agreement, which replaced the Short Film contract and certain low-budget New Media projects. A. The following terms describe the tentative agreement reached for successor agreements to the 2020. This agreement is between an actor and a production company for the actor's role in the movie "The Awakened". In a typically eloquent statement, Daniel Craig has suggested that many people would like to wipe their ass with his Bond contract. This document is a sample actor employment agreement for a movie trailer. Samuel Leroy Jackson (born December 21, 1948) is an American actor.