Contract to Kill is a 2016 American action film starring Steven Seagal. A government agent (Steven Seagal) and his team (Russell Wong, Jemma Dallender) must prevent Islamic extremists from attacking America.Islamic extremists will make an alliance with a Mexican cartel to smuggle WMD and terrorists into USA. Harmon's asked to prevent this. Steven Seagal battles Islamic terrorists and Mexican drug smugglers in his latest action vehicle, 'Contract to Kill. CONTRACT TO KILL is a great example of a quality action film starring Seagal that delivers the goods. A cab driver finds himself the hostage of an engaging contract killer as he makes his rounds from hit to hit during one night in Los Angeles. The slim, ponytailed and humorless Aikido master who hyperviolently plowed through legions of hapless minions en route to their Big Boss figure. A ruthless contract killer balks when he discovers his next hit is a woman. Contract to Kill looks remarkably cheap for a film whose characters wear Rolexes and take private planes.