All CTRs are to be used to carry out the responsibilities of County employment, County awarded contracts, or approved IGAs. The Contractor is required to comply with the provisions of Executive Order 11246, entitled "Equal Employment.We've created two free, customizable and downloadable templates: Actor Employment Agreement (NonUnion) and Actor Employment Agreement (LoanOut for SAG Actor). Complete and return the attached City of Maricopa Substitute W-9 form. Short Project Agreement. Participating governmental agencies who are interested in utilizing a contract listed should contact the issuing entity for due diligence documents. From the Office of the Director. City of Peoria Inter-governmental Agreement (IGA): Parks has submitted an IGA with the City of. • Partnering with park staff, scout and church groups have continued to complete painting and clean-up projects through the months of May and June. Please download, print and complete and sign all forms.