List any additional agreements here. Attach a copy of each additional agreement to each copy of the Lease. 70. 71. 72. 73.A Minnesota standard residential lease agreement creates a binding tenancy arrangement between a landlord and tenant. A Minnesota rental agreement is created between a landlord of residential or commercial space and a prospective tenant who seeks to occupy it while paying rent. A Minnesota lease agreement is an indepth report detailing the circumstances of a rental property. Once a potential tenant has passed a background check, Use our MN lease agreement sample below to find out more about the structure and contents of a fullyfledged rental contract. Download a free Minnesota Residential Lease Agreement template in PDF format to create legally binding leases for your rental properties. In the lease, you tell prospects what they should know about your property and the terms of living there. A Minnesota lease agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms of a lease that a property owner and tenant agree to.