The Film Production Tax Credit program is designed to strengthen the film production industry in New York State and its positive impact on the State's economy. The period in which the Contractor must fill all orders for service under the Contract begins on the Contract's effective date and ends on .The Board of Education of Montgomery County shall have the right to subcontract work. I'm going to take you through my production contract the one that I use successfully in my business and I'm going to walk you through it. When you are finished, you can print your completed form. Are there any good video production contract templates anyone can direct me to that cover the general pitfalls of jobs? Pre-Approved Form Contract - must be filled out and submitted following these steps: 1. For the purposes of these MCPS General Contract Articles, "MCPS" refers to the Board of Education of. Your phone number or Email address is . (c) "Reproduction" means any mechanical or digital rendition or recording of the performance or production.