These are Master Services Agreement (MSA) contracts to provide shop towels, mats, linens, shirts, pants, etc. Term: The parties agree that the term of this Agreement shall be for one (1) year commencing on.THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into between Minot Vocational Adjustment. This document outlines the terms and conditions of a laundry services contract between a hotel and laundry service provider. LAUNDRY SYSTEMS GROUP NV as Seller and ALLIANCE LAUNDRY SYSTEMS LLC from ALLIANCE LAUNDRY CORP filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This letter shall be our Agreement regarding the Linen Rental and Laundry Services described below. Of Contractor, in the performance of professional services under this Agreement. The US Department of Labor has developed sample employment agreements, for illustrative purposes, for cleaners, home care workers and nannies. Please fill out the form and submit your application. We give you a direct link to federal government contracts.