Download a free Nevada LLC Operating Agreement. List LLC Members, how profits are split, and how your LLC is taxed.How to fill out the Owner-Contractor Agreement for Nevada Projects? Supplier shall perform the Services as an independent contractor in accordance with its own methods, the terms of this. Agreement. Download and use our free Nevada LLC Operating Agreement Template, which includes FAQs and extensive tips about how these contracts operate in the state. Create a legallybinding subcontractor agreement for Nevada using our template that produces a customized document for your job. A payment and performance bond provides that if the contractor does not complete the project, the bonding company will pay damages up to the amount of the bond. A payment and performance bond provides that if the contractor does not complete the project, the bonding company will pay damages up to the amount of the bond. This purchase order agreement is intended for situations where a Purchaser will buy goods from a Vendor. Complete the following forms to do business with the RTC (for contracts, POs, address changes, etc.).