This contract is designed for use between the Film Production Company and any freelance Crew and covers the essential elements of the relationship. The North Carolina Film Office also recommends that productions fill out an Intent to Film Form.Commercial entities who wish to film on Town public property, including parks and greenways are required to complete and return both a Film Permit Application. A production services agreement is a contract used in the film and video industry to outline the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved. Learn how to maximize North Carolina's film incentives. The first statement will need to have specific information entered to apply this contract to the concerned signature party and production company. This letter confirms agreement that you will take the part of ________________ (name of actor) in the film ___________________ (title). A film crew deal memo is a type of contract that film crew members sign before a shoot. A film crew agreement form represents an important document. North Carolina, which means that certain State purchasing regulations apply.