This state-specific guide covers labor and employment case law, statutes, rules, and regulations that HR professionals and clients often encounter The Film (Movie) Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template is a contractual form which may be utilized as a tool to protect a production company's operations.The appropriate contract for a grant will be a satisfactory Grant Agreement (the "Grant. Agreement") between the grantee and the. The film (movie) non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is for use when sharing an original film concept, storyline, or screenplay. A movie contract is a legally binding document between the parties for producing a particular film or movie as per the laws of the US. Find out when and why it might make sense to have a work for hire agreement handy and download our free template. I am a nonresident employee of a North Carolina company. Is my employer required to withhold NC income taxes from my wages? Each individual who must adhere to the terms of this contract must sign and date this form once it has been filled out with the information it requested.