Identify any special roles or obligations of each party related to the production sharing agreement. The Contractor is responsible for the Petroleum Operations and consequently shall provide the following for performing these operations.Exploration or production activity in the NORTHERN HIGHLANDS BLOCK. Constitution of Iraq and having the same meaning as 'Region' in the Kurdistan. In this context, PSAs specify how oil and gas are allocated to each lease or pooled unit. Konoplyanik's charts as represented in a number of his articles dedicated to PSAs in Russia. 2. 1.6 "Associated Gas" means Natural Gas which existed or exists in a reservoir in solution with Crude Oil, or as free gas cap gas. Page 9. Multiparty(2)-onshore. 1.41 "Exploration Well" means a well (that is neither a Development Well nor an. Appraisal Well) as defined in the Rules drilled in search of Petroleum not.