The Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit provides a refundable tax credit of 30 percent on production cast and crew wages plus other eligible in-state spending. The Film (Movie) Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template is a contractual form which may be utilized as a tool to protect a production company's operations.Film and Television Co-production Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Mexican States I am making a short film. The writer and actors are all non-union. SAGAFTRA launched its interim agreements program that allows independent productions with no direct ties to the AMPTP to continue filming. Sign a contract with a property owner to use their home or land as a location in a motion picture with this Film Location Agreement. Are you trying to hire aSAG actor for your short? Even some scrupulous financiers will require proof of insurance before completing equity financing. Gladys Louise Smith (April 8, 1892 – May 29, 1979), known professionally as Mary Pickford, was a Canadian-American film actress and producer.