The Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit provides a refundable tax credit of 30 percent on production cast and crew wages plus other eligible in-state spending. A group for Ohio Filmmakers, Crew, and Enthusiasts.We needed a group like this to stay connected. Greater Cleveland Film Commission is a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to attract economic investment and job creation to Northeast Ohio. From a true legal perspective you and your former collaborator can sue each other over the color of your shoelaces. Many a lawyer will be glad to take the case. I'm currently looking for NDA's, collaboration agreements, Co-producer agreements, options, and shopping agreements. But there's no reason to do a non-union film. You invoice after the job is done or fill out a time card and then you hope to get paid in 30 days. The permitting process in Ohio varies depending upon what part of the state is being utilized and the type of permit required.