Your options are to negotiate a settlement with the actor, reshoot the film, or take your chances of getting sued. Short Project Agreement.Fill out my online form. Donate to the Phoenix Film Foundation. For a short film that I'm financing myself do I need any other contracts signed besides the actor's release form? These Terms of Use constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity ("you") and Phoenix Film Lab, LLC. This blog aims to provide filmmakers with important resources and links to the various film festivals in the United States, California and Arizona. A production services agreement is a contract used in the film and video industry to outline the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved. We are look for enthusiastic people in the following areas: Theater Operations, Merchandising, Ticketing, Silent Auction, Kids' Day and Events. How to Audition: To audition, please fill out the form below to submit a self-tape.