Discover why Arizona is called "America's Backlot" for film and TV production, learn about the state's tax incentives, locations, and more. These pages contain information about Phoenix filming locations, crews and casts.Short Project Agreement. A refundable tax credit program that allows production companies the opportunity to recapture a percentage of qualified production expenses spent in Arizona. Since the El Cortez only has one screen, such a contract essentially stops all other movies from being screened at the theater. We have an international talent pool of fixers that can help you with all the practical elements and fundamentals of planning a film shoot in Mexico. Our three theatres and multiple convening spaces are perfect for film screenings, private parties, meetings, classes, and film clubs. Anthony Quinn was an American actor. He has traveled the world performing his comedy and is the key player in developing Spanish stand-up comedy in the United States, Mexico and Latin America. Films in the country.