A talent release agreement (aka actor release form) is a legal agreement between you and the actor. They will have a fixed price for each film that might increase slightly with the success of each prior film.Auditions are open to everyone in the community. To be in a Pima theatre or dance performance you must be enrolled in at least one Pima class. Film credits outline people's roles in creating a movie or television show. Ideally, if you're spending money, you'll want a work contract with anyone you are paying for a service. This actor's agreement contract outlines the roles and responsibilities of both an actor and a project manager for a production. ActorturnedIndie producer Jonathan Daniel Brown on interim agreements: "Starstudded projects getting goahead while small films rot on vine." — A new operating agreement for Old Tucson Studios was finalized Tuesday at the Pima County Board of Supervisors meeting. By the studio that made the film.