All commercial filming including still photography and taping in the City of Riverside, requires a permit. The Performance Agreement template is available to serve the general campus and stream-line the process for hiring artists.GENERAL CONDITIONS: Permitee agrees to all the terms and conditions of this permit including provisions listed at the bottom of this form and any attachments. If your production is a multi-day production, please complete the following information for each separate date. Please fill out the form below so we can learn more about your event and recommend the perfect space for you. You can follow Summer on the Hudson on Twitter and Instagram for real-time updates, and fill out the form below to sign up for emails about our upcoming events! Volunteering at Goddard Riverside is a wonderful way to get involved, learn more about our programs and connect with the community. How do I fill this out? There are provisions of the National Agreement that are in addition to, supersede or amend the local union agreements. • Did the team complete the recommendation questions and write out recommendations on the Amendment form?