John Cusack must deal with hired killer Morgan Freeman in order to keep his son safe. Watching the film The Contract.Find out how to watch The Contract. Position: paraprofessional at Reading High School and RESPA President. Frank Carden (Morgan Freeman), one of the world's greatest assassins, is handed a lucrative contract to kill a highly secretive billionaire. 6 Film Collection Movies of Excellence DVD Sealed Morgan Freeman Alfre Woodard ; Pickup. Hegarty, "The Other War: Gay Men and Lesbians in the Second World War," in Rupp and Freeman, 178. TIPS Construction Checklist for Texas Public Government entities when utilizing Cooperative Construction Joc Order Contracting (JOC) online here. OSHA investigates all work-related fatalities in all covered workplaces. I am grateful to all my Riverside people for making such a rich and warm community and for cheering me on, especially my Riverside Art Museum friends, the.