This document is a laundry service agreement between Pines International Academy and Reao's Laundry Services. It outlines the terms of the agreement.Term: The parties agree that the term of this Agreement shall be for one (1) year commencing on. St. Nick's will provide laundry and linen service, including pick up and delivery, to Hoffa. Memorial consistent with the terms and conditions set forth herein. The City is responsible for delivering dirty linens to the Kalix laundry building and for picking up the clean linens from the Kalix laundry building. 5. This document outlines the terms and conditions of a laundry services contract between a hotel and laundry service provider. Editable Commercial Laundry Service Agreement Template, Pick and Delivery Laundry Service Contract, Linen Laundry Business, Canva templ. Prime contractors and subcontractors must pay service employees working on covered contracts in specified geographic areas. Bid conference will be held on.