The San Diego Film Office's film registration process is quick and simple. There are no fees to register your film or still photography production.California Film and TV Production Agreement Attorney Sebastian Gibson is the right choice of independent filmmakers for film production agreements. ProductionHUB: Production Companies guide and directory of Film Production Companies in San Diego, California. Read everything in the contract kit. 2. California Film and TV Project Attorney Sebastian Gibson discusses the submissions process and struggle to get negative pick-up deals. A movie contract is a legally binding document between the parties for producing a particular film or movie as per the laws of the US. Even that larger payment up front to a producer doesn't necessarily mean a production company will make a profit after the first season of a television series. Is in the public domain, without any fault or violation of this Agreement on the part of the Seller;. Special event permit applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis, and accepted only once deemed substantially complete.