Short Project Agreement. Use our sample Film Investor Financing Agreement contract outline to ensure an interested film investor will finance your movie.A film or TV option agreement is made between a writer and a producer and grants the producer an exclusive option to buy the rights in the writer's work. I'm going to take you through my production contract the one that I use successfully in my business and I'm going to walk you through it. This document serves as a draft actor deal memo and production agreement template. For the grant of rights, Licensor shall receive a License Fee from Licensee in the total amount of. In this post, we dive into a typical shopping agreement for TV or film to show you the pros, the cons, and a few tricky points in between. 8.2 Financier may be entitled to receive a credit in the film. Here is an overview of the important film production contracts required to ensure you have full control of everything required to own your film. Agreement in the following form has been provided to the Local.