How to fill out the Texas Film Commission Residency Declaration Form? 1. Gather required documents to verify your Texas residency. 2.Use this free film production contract template to create a legal agreement for whatever your media project is. Customize and download in minutes! The film (movie) non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is for use when sharing an original film concept, storyline, or screenplay. An editable template for municipalities and counties to customize (as needed) to meet the Film Friendly certification requirement. Save time and money with PandaDoc. With a Free Download Sample, You Can Create a Film Production Contract for Filming a Movie Documentary, Short Cinematography, or Even a Documentary. I'm going to take you through my production contract the one that I use successfully in my business and I'm going to walk you through it. Individually in a novation: The assigning party is released from all of its obligations and duties to perform under the assigned contract.