Producer agrees to indemnify and hold the University, its trustees, officers, employees and agents harmless from any and all claims, damages and liabilities. This collateral agreement template is what you need to secure an item of value as collateral for monetary debt.Form 2275 - Collateral Assignment, Page 1 of 2. Website: Business Contracts, Employment Agreements, Franchise Agreements and Other Business Contracts, Forms and Agreeements. Competitive Intelligence for Investors. A production services agreement is a contract used in the film and video industry to outline the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved. Review the location agreement for commercial filming and photography productions wishing to use NHMU as a location. A collateral loan agreement is a legal agreement, much like a standard loan agreement, but the borrower has put up assets as security for the loan. A collateral loan agreement is a legal agreement, much like a standard loan agreement, but the borrower has put up assets as security for the loan.