These are some of the main reasons to consider getting a life rights agreement before moving forward with your film, video, or movie production. I'm going to take you through my production contract the one that I use successfully in my business and I'm going to walk you through it.Will the film cover your subject's entire life (like Amadeus)? Will it cover a defining period of her life (like The Social Network)? You wake up one morning and realize that the night before you signed a contract to direct the entire WoT over the course of three movies. Five complete strangers share a brief moment in a diner but wake up in a strange surreal room with no doors and no windows. This video has helped you understand how to create a proper contract. The hunky Mature went on to spend an entire decade shirt-free in sword-and-sandal movies. In fact, they made a total of 32 movies together, making it clear that they had a long history together. Who was John Wayne's favorite stuntman?