"Air" is based on the true story of the historic Nike deal with Michael Jordan that brought us Air Jordans. It was Sonny Vaccaro who made that deal."Air" has a tricky task: make folks care about a hugely profitable basketball shoeendorsement deal from nearly 40 years ago. The movie centers on how Sunny Vaccaro (Matt Damon), a sports marketing executive, signed Jordan to his firstever shoe contract with Nike. Air (Nike movie with Matt Damon) was a spec script from 2021 that Amazon Studios bought in April 2022. Ben Affleck's buzzy drama tells the story about how Nike transformed into a major force in the sneakers market thanks to a young basketball star. Here's the true story behind Ben Affleck's Nikecentered sports drama, including the key players involved and how they got Michael Jordan on board. You can fill out forms and sign documents that you receive on your iPhone. After you complete a form, you can add your signature and share it with others. Colin Kaepernick Revealed as the Face of Nike's 'Just Do It' Campaign in the Wake of NFL Protests.