John Cusack must deal with hired killer Morgan Freeman in order to keep his son safe. Watching the film The Contract.A formulaic thriller that never taxes the talents of toplined Morgan Freeman and John Cusack, actually managed a smattering of playdates in offshore theaters. Ten minutes into the movie near this location, Morgan Freeman is in an accident with a vehicle and flips sending him to the hospital. The producers closed the shoot down after fifty days, and Beresford was forced to use his own money to complete the film. Reflections on the good and the bad in a lifetime of personal and business travel. In his first film in 1935, he played a reporter in THE MURDER MAN, with Spencer Tracy in the lead. He also filmed 3 notable features in the genre of "Nollywood", each premiering in theaters worldwide. The doitall setter racked up 659 assists, 232 digs, 62 kills, 43 aces, and 32 blocks. The actor objected in a UK interview to both, saying 'You're going to relegate my history to a month?' and that the latter phrase is inaccurate.