A contractor or subcontractor not appointed as agent or project operator of an IDA must present suppliers with Form ST120.1, Contractor. Listed below is the complete list of Special Instructions that can be inserted into a WayneBuy Requisition or Purchase Order Amendment.Hold Harmless: The Vendor agrees to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify Wayne County 4H Fair. Use this free supplier agreement template to streamline the way you close and onboard new commercial partners in 2023. This Agreement is entered into this __ day of. , 2020 (the "Effective. SUPPLIER CODE DEFINITIONS: A-1 means supplier is supplying goods and services for products to be used in the Aerospace industry. The purpose of the Agency's provision of. Wayne RESA also reserves the right to select one or more vendors to award a contract to under this RFP. A services agreement is used to document a transaction where the seller provides a service to the buyer.