Contracts are a parting-shot opportunity to share their philosophy, advice, and expectations about the dog they are entrusting to you. Use this dog breeding contract template to breed your dog.It's a legal document that protects rights and responsibilities, helping prevent disputes. WHEREAS, Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 55, Act 5, Section 51071 gives the. We have a very thorough application which they can fill out and return to the shelter - we do not provide applications on line. Thanks for signing up for pet services! To complete enrollment, please fill out the info below and sign the waiver. Explain to buyers that your contract is meant to ensure the dog's well-being and preserve your reputation as a conscientious breeder. 216-24 Standards — Dog Facilities. Unaffiliated youth must enroll in the FultonMontgomery 4H program to be eligible to apply.