In order to license your animal you will need: 1) A current rabies vaccination certificate from your veterinarian. Use this dog breeding contract template to breed your dog.It's a legal document that protects rights and responsibilities, helping prevent disputes. Contracts are a parting-shot opportunity to share their philosophy, advice, and expectations about the dog they are entrusting to you. 4-H members must complete one (1) year of the specific animal project before breeding an animal, except for dairy and small animal projects. There are a few items that should be in every puppy contract. If you did not sign a legally binding agreement you can breed your dog as you please. No person or establishment other than a licensed or County-operated animal shelter shall sell, exchange or barter any cat or dog less than eight weeks of age. Community Conservation Plan ("SCVHP" or "Plan") is intended to. Following the two detections, no additional mosquitoes were detected in the area. Aedes.