For anyone who is going through a loss, write them a sympathy card and include one of these thoughtful condolence messages. Keep the letter as brief and as short as possible.When someone close to you loses a loved one, it's only natural to want to reach out to them and express your deepest condolences. My family offers condolences for any and all of your co-workers, loved ones, friends, or family members that you may have lost in this senseless tragedy. Please accept my condolences, and be assured that you and your family are continually in my thoughts during this difficult time for you. When you're sending a sympathy card or a condolence letter, make an effort to include the names of each person in the household. We are thinking of you and send our heartfelt condolences. Expressing Sympathy: In the opening paragraph, express your condolences sincerely and directly. If it's your friend's mom, you can send it to her if it's her DH's mom and you aren't close with him, you can write it to the whole family. I picked up the letter she had placed on top of the pile and began reading.