"Please accept my condolences on the death of your ____. " "I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your _____."Express your heartfelt sympathies. Some example messages would be, please know I am thinking of you during this painful time. First, I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's death—this can be very, very painful and difficult (I know, I lost my wife as well). When it comes to what to write in a sympathy card, the most important rule is that your sympathy message should be short and sweet. A condolence letter is a timetested way to tell the bereaved that their loved one mattered to you, that you care. Writing a condolence message is never easy. We've compiled a few expert tips and provided several sympathy note ideas to use in any scenario here. When bad news strikes, you can send these sympathy messages for clients, coworkers, employees, and your boss so you can wish them well.