We share 50 examples of condolence messages you can send a coworker along with some basic tips to follow when expressing your support to a grieving coworker. Our beloved son and brother, William Ballantyne West, Jr., passed away on March 1st after feeling like he could no longer battle his demons.Employees are responsible to provide a Form TC721 to the vendor at time of purchase. We celebrate the life of Marci eleis O'Toole, who was born on the October 8th, 1972, in Ogden, Utah. Send a Sympathy Card. Guestbook. Mitigating circumstances, if applicable, should be explained in a letter to the Mayor. King, Salt Lake City, UT, for Plaintiff. On Monday, June 26, 2017, our beloved son, Adam Christopher de Lannoy Felt, died at his home from the ravages of major depressive disorder and anxiety.