Local Forms, Adoption Forms, Family Law Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate and Court Investigator's Forms, Small Claims Forms, Traffic Forms I would like the court to consider the following information in making its decision whether to allow a telephone appearance (check all that apply).Blank Application Forms. The below forms may be dropped at a secure drop box, at one of our offices, during regular business hours, am to pm. To file a Code Violation Complaint, please fill out the entire Code Enforcement Complaint Form. Phone Number: 1.510. This is not a job opening, this is your Application Template. You can request and complete the "Request for Reasonable Accommodation" form either verbally or in written form. If you aren't sure, always hang up and call us directly at (510)747-6800. Parents must fill out the cards completely, including all pertinent health information and physician and dentist phone numbers to call in an emergency.