Complete your protest and mail it to the IRS address on the letter that explains your appeal rights. This form is to be used to request an Appeals review upon completion of an examination (audit) if you do not agree with our proposed changes from the audit.Simply fill out the appeal form, indicating that the purpose of the appeal is "lack of uniformity". Purpose of this form: You can use this form to appeal a Letter 4890 Notice of Denial or a Letter 5015 Notice of Revocation of your IRS-approved. Method 1: Go to the CCOA Site for APPEAL SEARCH. After you enter your PIN, this will get you a listing of properties on and around your block. Sending an IRS audit reconsideration request? Cook County Treasurer's Office - Chicago, Illinois. Links to all forms and worksheets used in the preparation and review of an RCS are provided (Appendix 95). Note: Tax rates are not an issue in the assessment appeal process, only the amount of the assessment.