Learn how to raise more money for your nonprofit mission with these expert sponsorship letter tips and templates. We are seeking sponsorship from the business community to help support our team for this 2010 softball season.Does Fairfax County sponsor employment of non-US citizens? In this article, we'll walk you through how to approach potential event sponsors and even share a handy sponsorship email template to get you started. I am writing this letter to invite you to be a Co-Sponsor or Supporter of this event! Looking to secure sponsorships for your organization? Download these sponsorship letter templates to help you write a successful sponsorship letter! Learn how to raise more money for your nonprofit mission with these expert sponsorship letter tips and templates. You may not begin data collection until you receive the final approval letter and you contact your FCPS sponsor or division contact. For the purpose of this document, homeowners' associations will be referred to as property owners' associations, as referenced in the Code of Virginia.